Yarmouth Sailing Club sits next to the swing bridge over the River Yar at the western end of the Isle of Wight. It's a friendly, informal, inclusive club with between 800 and 900 members run mainly on a volunteer basis. A welcome is always extended to visiting yachtsmen.
Club Officers
Commodore - Tony Stables
Vice-Commodore - Bill Tate
Rear-Commodore Sailing - Martin Palmer
Rear-Commodore House - Tom Gregory
Honorary Secretary - Susan Hotchin
Honorary Treasurer - Simon Jenkins
Membership Secretary - Ann Smyth
Sailing Secretary - Melinda Measor
Training Centre Principal - Peter Giles
There is a very active sailing membership and weekly racing is laid on for Scows, Optimists and Handicap Class (Pico, Quests, Lasers, Topper, Mirror, etc). Races take place both in the river and in the Solent and, weather permitting, we run passage races and picnic trips further afield, to Keyhaven, Totland, Newtown, etc.
Simply Sailing is a group organising non-competitive sailing in the river as well as events like picnic trips in the river and the Solent. Read more about them under the Sailing section.
In 2010 we gained recognition as an RYA (Royal Yachting Association - sailing's governing body in the UK) Training Centre. There is training for junior members in the May Half-Term and summer holidays. After school training is offered to local children during the summer term, and there are a number of adult training days during the summer. Read more in the 'Training' section.
Members may hire club dinghies - we have 1 RS Feva, 2 Lasers, 3 RS Quests, 2 Scows, and 7 Picos for hire at £10 per session (£50 per month) per boat, and for children 6 RS Teras and 11 training Oppies at £5 per session (£25 per month) per boat. They can be hired via the BOOK ONLINE section of the club website. The boats can be hired free of charge for children who are racing or training at YSC.
Other events include an annual 2-day Regatta, open evenings and Scows Week (a week of racing and social events in the river and the Solent for GRP and wooden Scows). These are all open events, i.e. open to all comers.
The bar, run by members, is open for social events. It is also open from 6.15 - 9.00 p.m. on Friday evenings. Visiting yachtsmen are very welcome.
A varied winter programme of popular social events is arranged and several special interest groups meet in the club (see Social section):
Male Voice Choir - the Slipshod Singers
Reading Group
Art Group
Fundraising If you shop online, you can raise money for the club by logging on to easyfundraising.org.uk and naming your preferred charity as Get Children Sailing at Yarmouth Sailing Club. Every time you shop at one of their participating stores, a small sum of money comes to the club.
If you'd like to join the club, come along and ask for a form, download one from the membership page on this website, or contact the Membership Secretary, Ann Smyth (07528 231794, mailto:membership@yarmouthsc.org )
Rallies Package in partnership with Yarmouth Harbour
We offer rallies coming to Yarmouth Harbour an opportunity to use the club for social gatherings, when we can arrange catering for them, provide a marquee, etc. Any group wanting to take advantage of this offer should contact: johnpeters14@msn.com
Last updated 06:45 on 8 February 2025