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Membership and Boat Park

Annual Fees 2025


Membership Category 2025
Family 105
Couple 88
Adult (21 and over) 58
Adult (18-20) 18
Cadet (16-17) or Pre-Cadet (12-15) 18
* Single parent with 1 or 2 children 77

* This is only available to genuine single parent families.

Boat Park/Mooring Charges

Type of Space 2025
Boat on Launching Trolley on grass or Pico rack (lower rack) / Pico upper rack 110 / 60
Space on Oppie Rack 88
Dinghy in Vertical Rack 64
Mooring 110

1) Entry Fee those aged 21 and over are required to pay an entry fee of £50 (per membership) on joining the club. Those joining at a Club Open Day are not required to pay the Entry Fee.

2) We welcome applications for membership and you can fill in the electronic form here or download a hard copy, complete it and fill it in. Applicants over 15 years of age do not have to have sponsors. No applicants are required to have proposers and seconders.

3) Applicants will be invited to meet, socially, a member of the Management Committee to discuss the club and answer any potential questions. The Applications will then be forwarded to the Management Committee for approval at the next monthly meeting. Applicants are temporary members until the approvals are given for full membership.. Those whose applications are approved between October and December pay that year's charges and do not have to pay a renewal fee in the following January, i.e. their membership lasts for 15/14/13 months.

4) Temporary Membership -Those who are not sure whether they would like to join the club may take out Temporary Membership for one month (download Temp Memp Application Form and Junior Member Indemnity Form below). This may not be repeated but those who then wish to become Full Members can count the Temporary Membership fee already paid as part of their Full Membership fee if they join before the end of the term of their Temporary Membership. Temporary Members do not have access to our training courses and may not hire club-owned dinghies.

5) Friend of YSC - This category will be excluded duties on the basis that the applicant does not access any of the Club facilities, functions, RYA courses, boat park space, activities, etc. The applicant's membership record will be amended to say this. A list of members in this category will be placed regularly on the Club noticeboard. A member in this category will pay the normal membership fee. The member will receive any Club publications (e.g. Close-hauled/Calendar). A member in this category can revert to a normal membership category if they wish to start using the Club facilities & will have to sign up for 2 duties before the reversion will take effect.

6) For more information contact the Membership Secretary, Ann Smyth on 07528 231794 (

Boat Park & Moorings

The boat park is principally for dinghies 12 ft long or under. The Sailing Committee, at its discretion, permits some longer boats to be admitted. Applicants should consult the Boat Park Manager (see below).

The moorings are normally for Scows and similarly sized sailing dinghies.

Dinghies racing at the Club must have a Portsmouth Yardstick rating of not less than 1080.

Members' boats are required to be adequately insured, in particular against third party claims to a minimum of £5,000,000 (three million pounds), when on the water, on a Club mooring, in the dinghy park, or participating in a Club event.

All members with boats in the boat park or on a mooring must have paid for their spaces.

The boat space/mooring is hired by the owner, not the boat. If a member sells his boat to another club member, the space and the fee paid are not transferable. If a member no longer requires his space, he must inform the Boat Park Manager (see below) who will offer it to the next person on the waiting list, if there is one.

There is a cut-off date of 30 th June. This means that a member giving up a boat space before 1st July will have half the annual fee refunded. Anyone taking on a space after 30th June will only be required to pay half the annual fee.

Boats, trolleys and equipment should be clearly marked with the owner's surname.

All boats must be returned to the correct space after use. We will try to allocate spaces to reflect the amount the boats are sailed. If you would like a different space, please ask. If there is a waiting list for spaces, members who do not use their boats may be asked to remove them as we wish to encourage active members.

Boats must be on serviceable launching trolleys, not road trailers. Please help those mowing the grass by purchasing a trolley with pneumatic tyres and making sure that your wheels do not have punctures. If you need a new wheel or inner tube, please ask as we may have some for sale. There is no space available for members' road trailers but we do have one for hire (contact Club Bosun).

Optimists must be stored upside down to avoid becoming waterlogged and causing damage to other boats and the racks. All of them, particularly those on the top racks, must be tied down securely as they can blow off in severe gales.

During the winter, all loose gear should be removed from the boat park. Sails in particular are popular with the local mice who have been known to shred them when short of more palatable food. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Membership Secretary: Ann Smyth (07528 231794,

Boat Park Manager: Bryan Locke (

Club Bosun: Rob Selby (


Last updated 06:45 on 8 February 2025

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